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Make a difference

Dear Prospective Sponsor,


The Wichita youth boxing community would like to invite you to join us in hosting the 2013 Kansas State and Region 5 Silver Gloves Boxing Tournaments held December 20 & 21, 2013 and January 3 and 4, 2014.


We are a consortium of gyms and we are teaming up to organize this year’s tournament. Each of our gyms has a well established history in Kansas, some dating back as early as the 1960’s producing many Silver Gloves National Champions.


The development of strategies in areas of self discipline and self esteem through training and participation in the sport of Olympic style boxing is the aim of our clubs. These coaches use the ring as a metaphor for life. With discipline and respect you will be victorious.


Our committee’s goal is to provide funding for the advancement of our boxers from our state tournament to the regional tournament held here in Wichita. We are particularly focused on all young athletes who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and seek to provide this opportunity at no cost to them. Our enthusiasm and determination to make a difference in your city’s youth is the purpose for this appeal.


In order to put on a quality state boxing event, we are in need of sponsorship in various sizes. Your support will not only promote your company or organization, but also help to enrich the lives of our Kansas youth.


Our boxing community is loyal to our sponsors which makes this exposure a great marketing value. We anticipate a well attended boxing tournament with many event programs being distributed.
Your generous backing would be acknowledged and highlighted in many ways


  • An advertisement in the tournament program

    • Sized per sponsorship amount

    • Distributed at 2 events

  • Kansas Silver Gloves event page links

    • If you have a website

  • A mention in our live tweets and posts

  • Certificate of appreciation for display at premises recognizing the assistance provided


Your support makes possible tournaments that have provided a venue for our boxers to flourish in and out of the ring, for that we are forever grateful.
Thank you for considering this request


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